Facts & advice foryoung adults
Where to get free debt advice
If you’re struggling with debt, it can be hard to know where to turn. But with lots of free advice services available across the UK, you can find help in a way that’s best for you.
How will a debt adviser help you?
A Debt Advisor will
Did you know?
Most people who have got debt advice say that they feel less stressed or anxious and more in control of their life again. All of the services provided in the debt advice locator below are free, confidential and hold a standard or membership code accredited by the Money Advice Service.
Other sources of help and advice
Money helper dealing with debt guide
Money Helper runs a support service via phone, whatsapp, online phone and Typetalk. Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pmb 0800 138 7777
Citizens Advice offer free help with housing, money and legal problems. Find your local centre.
Citizens Advice - Help with Debt -
Money Saving Expert -
For further help and support, please contact