Tips for a safe night out

Tips for a safe night out

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Many of us love meeting up with our mates and going out – but that doesn’t have to mean getting drunk. Using a few of the tips below can help you enjoy a great party or night out and stay in control, saving money and staying healthier. Download our poster on having a safer night out.

See also our advice on festivals and travel.

Make sure you understand units and how to stay within safe limits

See Do I drink too much?

low risk guidelines, unit of alcohol

Eat before or when going out

This stops alcohol rushing into the blood stream and straight to the organs and brain and gives the liver more of a chance to break the alcohol down.

eat before going out

Don’t load up with too much alcohol before going out

Each shot is one unit and they can add up quickly. Try this out in the virtual nightclub on

don't load up with too much alcohol

Stay hydrated

Bars and clubs have to offer free tap water by law which really saves money and as alcohol is dehydrating, it really helps. Try this out in the the virtual nightclub on

Stay hydrated - bars and clubs have to offer free tap water by law

Look out for your friends and make sure they look out for you

Stay with people you trust.

Look out for your friends

Never go home alone or with a stranger

Never go home alone or with a stranger

Be prepared with contraception if there is a chance you might need it

Be prepared with contraception

Let a trusted person know where you are going

… as well as what time you will be back and let them know if plans change.

Keep a locator on active on your phone such as Find My Friends or Snapchat.

Keep a locator on active on your phone

Plan how you’re going to get home before you go out

– such as pre booking an Uber or taxi, finding out about the last bus or train and keeping enough money aside.

Plan how you’re going to get home. Women using phone at bus stop.

Alternate soft drinks or water with each alcoholic drink

… you’ll stay more hydrated and save money. Who can tell if it’s an alcohol free beer or a tonic? Try this out in the the virtual nightclub on

Alternate soft drinks or water with each alcoholic drink

Don’t mix alcohol and drugs  

You don’t know what the effects will be.

don't mix alcohol and drugs

If a friend becomes ill from drinking, stay with them and look after them

Call an ambulance if they become unconscious.  See Helping someone who is drunk.

If a friend becomes ill from drinking, stay with them and look after them

Keep valuable possessions out of sight

… or don’t take them with you.

Keep valuable possessions out of sight

Never leave your drink unattended and don’t accept drinks from strangers

See our information on Drink Spiking.

never leave your drink unattended

If you become angry or wound up, walk away & find a quiet place to calm down

walk away & find a quiet place to calm down

Read next Drink spiking